Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Challenges !!

Tis the season so I'm following a couple of challenges. Challenges are a fun way to get in a little extra exercise during this time of year which can be extra-hectic...

The first challenge is from If you don't already Bodyrock just jump in, their workouts are brief, creative and fun. What's also great is that they give alternatives for beginners and folks w/o equipment so you can do their workouts anywhere :)

This next blog, fitvillians, is new to me but so far I'm really enjoying it... so much so that I subscribe to her tweets as well :)

Happy Holidays, Now get to it !! :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Yes, Trainers need Trainers

My workout today reminded me of my old trainer, I'll call him Hottie. Once I mentioned to Hottie that Jillian Micheals had her own trainer. He was surprised. Why would a trainer need a trainer? I figured his reaction was due to his young age... but it got me to wondering how many others thought the same thing... If you're such a good trainer, why do you need a trainer yourself? Well, professional athletes, though excellent at what they do, still have trainers, right!?! Yes.... and todays workout reminded me of just how necessary that is.

Some exercises, no matter how fundamental to a good fitness program, are just boring for me. Basically, any strength based exercise bores me... if I'm not running, jumping or switching back and forth from exercises to exercise I get bored. Knowing that Over Head Squats, Lunges, Chest Presses, etc... are good for me I programmed them in for todays brutality.... yet, once I started in on my workout, I regressed to what I like to do most... today it was a medley of jump rope and box jumps. Yes, my workout kicked my butt, however, strength would have been good for me today... hence my need for my own slave driver trainer.

Anyway, without any further ramblings on my lack of direction here was my workout... inspired I should add, by Muscle and Fitness' Power and Strength FaceBook Challenge...

Warm Up: 10 minutes on StepMill


Run 1.5 miles X1


Jump Rope X 2 minutes
Box Jumps X10
-repeat X3-


2-leg broad jumps X10
Depth Jump (12 risers plus bench "top") X10 (this was actually really fun)
Jump Rope X2 min
-repeat X3-


AMRAP in 25 minutes:

1 min Jump Rope
10 sec rest
30 seconds Box Jumps (8 risers under bench)


Cool down and stretch

*DONE* Yay!